Thursday, February 24, 2011

Caution: This may get confusing.

Sentences that never end make me laugh (and also annoy me) because it seems like they might over soon, but then they don't end because they feel as though run-on sentences are hip and wonderful and everything good in the world is located in this one sentence, and they are aware that they are full of vagueness and ambiguity, so there's the possibility that they're also aware that they aren't making the slightest bit of sense to anyone but themselves, yet they keep on trucking, going on and on forever until someone finally yells, "SHUT UP!" Then they are over and also very sad.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I am an addict...

It's my fix. It's like heroin. It's always there for me. It makes my brain wheels turn. It keeps me company when I'm lonely. It keeps me quiet and calm when I need it the most. I'm pretty sure it's even saved my life a time or two. Yes, I love FreeCell; it is my addiction.

Seriously, is a very loyal companion. There is an unlimited amount of games to entertain me. I did just find out that some of them are legitimately impossible, though. I'll have a talk with them once they try to defeat me. We'll settle that nonsense and I'll continue on my merry, undefeated way.

When I'm having severe writers block, avoiding papers, or trying to be quiet for the benefit of those around me, I turn to this lovely game and begin a long, grueling process of beating as many games as possible. Which is like setting one of those police dogs to find something. Once they get started, there's not stopping until the task at hand is completed.

It's a workout, too. I have to rest for fear of hyperventilating or throwing my laptop across the room out of frustration. So it's almost  like cardio, it gets my blood pumping. So I don't have to go to the gym anymore, right?...But for makes my brain muscles HUGE.

It's also kind of like being in a relationship. Sometimes it makes me really happy. We're on the same page, going along and everything is perfect...Sometimes it pisses me off no end. I get frustrated and yell mean words at it. And sometimes there's the agreement of...Okay I Hate You But I Must Push Through This Anyway. But mostly it just makes me happy.

Oh! And it predicts my day, I've decided. If I win the first game I play (which is either in the morning or the early afternoon), then it will be a dandy day. If I lose, though, it's most certainly an omen to which I'll pay much attention to. Bad days ensue when I lose a game of Freecell.

Anyway, Mr. FreeCell and I will always be best friends, I'm sure. Unless someone tries to send me to counseling for my over exessive love for it. But until then, we'll spend vast amounts of time together and be very lovely and happy together.