Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Timeline of Social Networking.

So...there was LiveJournal, OpenDiary, Xanga, Myspace, and now the (can't decide between horrible or phenomenal) invention of Facebook. Personal favourite = Xanga...But what ever happened to Xanga? It was the place where you would accidentally find out entirely too much about someone's personal life that you wouldn't have known otherwise. I mean, people you didn't even know very well.

"Life is horrible right now. I'd like to die. Screw everyone."
"My girl/boyfriend just dumped me. The heartbreak is unbearable. Kill me now."
"My life is spiraling downward. I couldn't get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate me dry concert. It sucks 'cause they play some of my favorite songs like "Stab My Heart Because I Love You" and "Rip Apart My Soul" and of course, "Stabby Rip Stab Stab".
-insert other emo crap here-

But anyway...I guess it died when Myspace took over the interwebz. Just like Myspace died when Facebook took over the world. (No, not just the internet...it found a way to creep into everyone's legitimate reality.) Social networking just kills everything, for real.

Even though it's destroying the world, I'm going to post something that, if I still used Xanga, I would post there.

I'm in love with the weather and 1 liter bottles of soda and fallen leaves and the music scene and new, soft socks and fuzzy pillows and the way the earth spins and the mechanics of the brain and lovely friends and new books that still smell like fresh paper and cuddling until I can't lay still anymore and singing at the top of my lungs and the ability to sing at all. I'm in love with memories and perfume and the ingenious involved in creating a Spork and bumper stickers and felt tip pens and comic books and how glass fogs up when you breathe on it (so that you can leave secret hearts wherever you go). I'm in love with fake British accents (and real ones, too) and pennies and dancing and futuristic plans and tattoos and the art of being. & you know, this is what gets me through the day. If ya don't love someone, you have to love something. Yeah?

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